Do You Really Need to Send Save-the-Dates Invitations?

Posted by Marianna Di Franco on

Do you need to send save-the-dates? It's a question that many couples ask. The answer is not one size fits all, so let us explore the topic in detail. 

It's important to remember that a save-the-date is an invitation with no RSVP information and it is usually sent 6 months in advance of the event date. They serve as a reminder to guests about your upcoming wedding so you can give them plenty of time to plan accordingly. In this article, we'll go over why and when you should send out these invitations and we'll discuss the pros and cons in order to help you make an informed decision about whether or not it makes sense for you to send save the dates.

Save-the-Dates Pros

Of course, you want to share the news! Save-the-dates are a great way to do that. Here are five reasons why a save-the-date is an important addition to your invitation suite.

 eucalyptus save the date card

1. Guests are notified of the wedding date in advanced

By sending a save the date card, you are giving your guests enough time to plan their schedules so they can be there for the wedding.

This is especially true for out-of-town guests and families with children. It's easier to plan a vacation or family weekend when they are given plenty of notice about the date, location, time and dress code.

Sending save-the-dates also allow people who live far away from you to spot potential conflicts in their schedule so that they can plan accordingly.

2. Guests will know they are invited

Save the dates eliminate any confusion as to who is invited to your wedding. However, you should be clear on exactly who you are inviting.. Address each person individually so no one is left wondering if they can bring a friend, their child, or their date.

Guests can plan around other commitments and make necessary arrangements to attend your wedding if they know the date, what type of attire is required and where to stay.

Save-the-dates are a low-level engagement announcement that can save you time and money because it lets guests plan ahead for an event without knowing all the details about the location or dress code. Most importantly, it’s polite to let loved ones know when you will be celebrating life with them so don’t hesitate on sending out these announcements!

3. You’re planning a destination wedding

If you are getting married at a destination location, we recommend sending save-the-dates.

Some venues require people to reserve hotels rooms well in advance of their wedding date. Sending out save-the-dates may make sense if this is the case for your venue. Guests should have at least six to 12 months of notification prior to attending your event - this way they can book flights/accommodations as needed. 

However, if you are not getting married at a destination location and would like to give guests four months or more notice as the norm is, whether or not they need save-the-dates from you will depend on how close your wedding date is.

If it’s less than three months away, send out save-the-dates no matter what venue type; this way everyone has plenty of time to make their arrangements. 

Italy destination wedding

4. Save the dates are an occasion to test your wedding theme

Save the dates are a great way to test out different themes and design elements before deciding on what you want for your wedding invitations. They give you time to experiment, have some fun with them, and see which ones fit best into the theme before investing in an expensive invitation suite! Save-the-dates do not necessarily need to match those of your actual invitation - but it's always nice when they can!

5. Save-the-dates are wonderful keepsakes for guests and make it feels more official

Save the dates make for a sweet keepsake that friends and family will love for many years to come.

Sending a save-the date is an announcement of the upcoming nuptials. It's one step closer to tying the knot with that special someone, and it can be an exciting experience for both you and those around you. You are giving others another opportunity to share in this joyous occasion by sharing such news ahead of time.

Save-the-Dates Cons

Sending save the dates has several benefits, but it also comes with a few disadvantages.


1. Save the dates can be expensive

Only send out save the dates if you need to for your wedding plan purposes or because it’s what people expect from traditional weddings nowadays. If you want to cut costs, think about putting up an announcement on social media instead of sending an invitation card or choose a digital save the date to send via email with pictures and details.

2. They take time

You need to get save-the-dates in people's hands at least six months before your event date - this gives guests enough time to make their arrangements.

If you order save-the-dates from an online company, it takes about two weeks to process your photo and information before being able to ship them out - this means you need at least eight months of lead time! 

A lot can happen between six months and the actual date of a wedding, so be sure not to wait until the last minute to order save-the-dates.


It's your wedding and you can do what feels most comfortable for you! We believe that couples should go with whatever they feel is best for them - whether or not it includes sending out save-the-dates. 

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