How to proofread wedding invitations?

Posted by Marianna Di Franco on

The wedding day is getting nearer, all the preparations have been done, invitations are about to be sent and the wedding bells are ringing just around the corner! But wait, did you check if the info is correct? Proofreading wedding invitations is necessary for the removal of errors and any inconsistencies. We care about you and your big day and that’s why we want everything to be perfect for the wedding.

The picture-perfect wedding cards aren’t constructed in a day, instead, they are polished and refined to their ultimate gem form through proper proofreading and editing.  To ease your task and remove even the slightest possibility of any error, we have compiled a comprehensive guideline on proofreading wedding invitations:

1. Spelling and punctuation

Start off with the most basic yet the most essential component of your wedding cards. Print your draft wedding invitation and start checking grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Let's get clear about this, everyone is going to read out your wedding invitation aloud, make sure that you double-check the spellings and grammatical phrases. Proofreading wedding invitation cards might seem like a daunting task but trust us the outcome will be worth it in the end!

2.  Double-check the dates

You are all set to rock your wedding plans. We are sure none of you wants the guest to receive the wrong dates, right? For this reason, check the dates again to avoid any confusion and misunderstandings. Also, make sure to choose the font that is appealing to the eyes and clearly visible. This way you are able to proofread wedding invitations whilst adding a pinch of aesthetics to them. Not a bad deal, huh?

3.  Confirm the venue again!

As subtle as it may sound but check the location of your wedding venue again. Sometimes, the words get skipped during font printing. Checking them again will eliminate all the mistakes and everyone will be able to show up at your wedding at the right location correctly on time!

4. Do all the words have proper spacing?

A little bit surprised to hear about word spacing? But this is important. Your wedding invitation card should be a symbol of maturity, mood tone, and fascination. Words jumping out here and there look unattractive and confusing. Make sure to check the spacing and font of your words.

5. Proof for readability and photos

You are done editing and proofreading wedding invitations, what’s next now? Read them again to check the flow of readability. If you like to insert pictures then choose the high-resolution ones. Never compromise on the quality of pictures!

Your wedding invitations are not just any other piece of stationery, they hold topmost value (only second to marriage registry!) proofreading them ensures better quality and enhanced readability. Use graphic designs according to your wedding theme and taste. Last but not the least, if you want to go completely WOW with your wedding invitation cards, make sure to download our proofreading wedding invitations checklist by signing up for the form. 

wedding invitations

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